Marketing To The Youth In The United States

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In the United States marketing to the youth was never a real difficult task. The youth mainly wanted toys and other things that young people should have. Through out the years the youth has matured and they do not like to be treated as kids anymore. The youth wants to be treated as adults so now they want products that adults have. Now that the youth has an desire for adult Consumer Electronics instead of toys, it makes the the transition much easier for marketers (Facenda, 2006). The youth is not only changing in the United States but it is changing in India and China as well. Like the United States, India and China was experiencing the issue of marketing to the youth. Which is understandable because first the two countries have to find out what the youth is into in order to market to them. The two countries must also find out the best avenue take on how to gain the attention of youth. …show more content…

If China and India look at the marketing challenge as a simple transition instead of a difficult one they should be able to easily market to the youth. Just how kids want to be wowed with what the can do with their old toys; they want to be wowed with consumer electronics along with services and other goods. The main trend is convenience, which the youth is addicted to. The youth wants what is new and fast. Application on consumer electronics allow for the ultimate convenience. By china and India following a trend of supplying the youth with applications that assist the youth in obtaining goods and services faster they will succeed at