Martha O Bryan Center: Non-Profit Analysis

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The Martha O’Bryan Center distinguishes itself as a community and faith-based (Christian), anti-poverty non-profit organization (The Martha O’Bryan Center, 2017). Established and operating in two of the most underserved and distressed communities in Nashville, the non-profit also actively collaborates with other organizations as well as community volunteers to be more efficient and effective in their service delivery (The Martha O’Bryan Center, 2017). The non-profit has an active social media presence, is nationally recognized, has grown exponentially (serving over 10,000 individuals annually), and has received glowing internal and external reviews. Branding in non-profit organizations is undergoing a paradigm shift, from a traditional standpoint …show more content…

The culture and structure is based more on consensus-building, is more democratic and more decentralized than for-profits (Laidler-Kylander, & Stenzel, 2014). The employees are more intrinsically motivated, for example one employee who reviewed the Martha O’Bryan center on Glassdoor commented that “Great people, great work. It was very rewarding to help tutor and motivate children to succeed” (Glassdoor, 2017) The organization overall has a 4.8/5 rating with 5 being the best score. The non-profit has a more collaborative approach, partnering with several organizations, both for-profit and government, to be more efficient and effective in their service delivery and mission impact. The mission of the organization is the most important …show more content…

By identifying strengths and weaknesses of the non-profit, as well as clarifying the roles of key players can indicate the uniqueness of the organization, and indicate which organizations are best for collaboration purposes (Laidler-Kylander, & Stenzel, 2014). By utilizing the resources that the organization already has also removes duplications, and indicate how best to carry out the mission of the organization. Internal branding helps to align the brand identity of the non-profit by focusing on internal stakeholders, and empowering them through participatory engagement to improve consistency and cohesion within the Martha O’Bryan

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