Martin Buber And Elie Wiesel

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The progression through history to discover the evolution of man’s interpretation of the meaning of life has come to the horrific possibility of the death of humanity by humanity. Seen through the eyes of philosophers and authors Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas, and Elie Wiesel we obtain one step closer to a better understanding of the secular saint. Author and psychologist Victor Frankl offers an alternate view of the progress of human understanding of the meaning of life. The purpose and or meaning of human life as perceived by Martin Buber described through the idea of a relationship between “I and thou.” The responsibility of relationship of “I” to “thou” is defined as a face to face interaction toward the betterment of the “thou.” Buber believed that the forgiveness it the total responsibility of the individual toward the other. Which leads to the thought of love before wisdom, as declared by Emmanuel Levinas, a shift from the pursuit of knowledge to that of finding identity in being ethically responsible to others, but not in the same sense that Buber perceived. Levinas stated that the responsibility goes beyond the dialogue and communication toward a universal responsibility of the absolute. Elie Wiesel traumatic experience during the concentration camps of world war two gives him a unique perspective on the ideas of Buber and Levinas. …show more content…

Human freedom as defined by Dr. Ambrosio is to find meaning in one’s own life in one’s own way. Frankl view also differs in that it is not just being responsible to all for all, but through the responsibility of choosing how to respond to suffering, humans produce their own freedom. Frankl defines the term freedom as the ability of the human ability of choice, how to live when faced with suffering. This is not the suffering produce by one’s one errors, but that unavoidable suffering from external