Martin Luther And Zwingli's Reformation

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New ideas about religion, politics, and culture, swept across Europe in the sixteenth century. The cultural norm began changing in ways that have affected even modern day society. People began questioning powers, especially in church. A major part of the Reformation was the call to purify the church. Many important and notable people drove this cause, and they acted as reformers. Some noteworthy reformers are Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli. These men stirred and aroused thoughts of people throughout countries, and they brought about major and impactful change. Because of their efforts, the church, and therefore people's ideas, were transformed. Perhaps the least well known of the three men is Ulrich Zwingli. Though he may not …show more content…

Martin Luther overshadowed Zwingli and his beliefs. Luther and Zwingli actually met in 1529, and they discussed their beliefs. The two men agreed on fourteen out of fifteen doctrinal points. Zwingli and Luther "stumbled on the fifteenth: the Lord's Supper."2 They disagreed on the idea of Christ's presence during the Lord's Supper. Luther believed in Christ's literal presence at the Lord's Supper, and Zwingli thought otherwise. Because of this disunity, "Luther said Zwingli was of the devil and that he was nothing but a wormy nut."3 This disagreement prohibited the uniting of Zwingli and Luther, and therefore the German and Swiss reform movements. Luther also overshadowed Zwingli with his ninety-five theses. Zwingli wrote sixty-seven theses of his own, however they were not as highly acclaimed as those of Luther. Therefore, Zwingli's sixty-seven theses were not as praised and well remembered as …show more content…

He aided in the transformation of the ideas on religion in Switzerland that spread across countries. Though not as well remembered as Calvin or Luther, Zwingli is responsible for a great deal of change during that time. His sermons were the catalyst for an elevated thinking on religion across the world. Zwingli believed that God should be put first, and church should be second. He considered Scripture the ultimate law. Ulrich Zwingli rigorously applied the principles from Scripture to his life. His example and teachings have impacted societies for centuries all the way up to the present day. Zwingli served as the Father of the Swiss