Martin Luther King Jr Accomplishments

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Martin Luther King Junior: The Leadership of the Black Freedom Martin Luther King Jr. is a great leader in the civil rights movement. He was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia (Patterson 159). He has four children, a brother, and a sister (Patterson 160). There were two bombs attacks that were throwing bombs on his porch and he was lucky to survive (Burns). He had been beaten, arrested, jailed, and spat upon (Jakoubek 12). He died on April 4, 1968, by a gunshot head wound in Memphis, Tennessee (Patterson 159). In 1964, King had won the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent resistance and campaigns against racism (Jakoubek 104). His hopes and dreams were that people would stop evaluating others by their skin color, race, gender, …show more content…

He has accomplished many achievements. In 1963, Martin Luther King helped lead over 200,000 people to the Lincoln Memorial overlooking the Washington Monument. King Junior and the groups of civil right and the labor make the march to the Washington Monument in order to gain civil and economic equality for African-American (Ganeri 70). King was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi who was a success in gaining civil right and economic equality for his people with non-violent activism (Burns). After the trip, King understood that non-violent resistance is better and he was convinced that was the way to move forward to achieving civil rights for American blacks (Patterson 167). King founded the way to organization in order to support non-violent protest for equality for his people and he is the first president of the SCLC (Pettit 4). King and the SCLC had been planning a massive demonstration to dramatize the fight (Jakoubek 14). Then, it was decided upon to fight segregation on all fronts instead of targeting a particular serve (Ganeri 50). King lead the SCLC organized and fought for equality (Patterson ). The best method in achieving peace and equality was an award for non-violence (Pettit). Transcend iconic status and remain vital to us, it must speak to the current political, economic, and mortal crisis of American society (Burns). Setting rights and responsibility against each other in an intellectual assault on rights from all sides (Burns). Black and white radicals awakened to the perceived bankruptcy of liberalism and resolve to chart a course independent of unreliable coalitions with liberals (Burns). King desires to be determined to get back justice for African Americans. King makes the Civil Rights Movement escape the sadness, racist, and etc. They deserve to be like that. His desires have now been paid off in a deserving

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