Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, And Abraham Lincoln

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Good leaders possess numerous defining characteristics that differentiate them from their peers and bring out their influence over others. One such trait is the ability to lead by example. The great leaders of the world have all revolved around this fundamental principle, leading not just by speaking but by acting and demonstrating for a unifying cause. While eloquent speaking has been a strong tool for these great figures, the ability to show, interact, and exemplify the root cause of their campaign is what has propelled them in to glory. Some shining examples of this trait can be found in Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great leader in that he inspired thousands of young men and women of color, discriminated and discouraged, by putting forward his message through both sensational speeches and powerful demonstrations. He led a bipartisan coalition against the solely-White American government of the time, and turned the tide against the segregation of colored …show more content…

Gandhi was another peaceful activist who inspired millions with his non-violent yet significant influence over the Indian people in regaining independence from the harsh British regime. In addition to speaking out on such issues, Gandhi’s active campaign strategy was exemplified by his many demonstrations, protests, fasting periods, and his short-lived imprisonment. He led campaigns to end the caste system, challenge British taxation and rule over India, restore peace in religious affairs amongst Hindus and Muslims, and much more. Gandhi truly led by example, putting forward his ideals by leading nation-wide efforts, and by acting on himself – Gandhi put his life on the line many times, having led fasting periods to protest controversial actions. He exemplified and practiced what he preached, as a result of which, his leadership had a profound influence on the future prospects of