Martin Luther's 95 Thesis Summary

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Martin Luther was born in eisleben,germany in 1483. Dr Martin Luther used these Thesis to display his unhappiness with the Church's sale of indulgences, and this eventually gave birth to Protestantism. It especially defied the teachings of the Church on the nature of penance the authority and power of the pope and the efficacy of indulgences. Martin Luther did not intend the Thesis to be a program for reform, an attack on the Pope, etc. He was simply questioning the indulgences. Although Luther early writings had sparked the Reformation. He was hardly involved in it during his later years.The 95 thesis is what martin luther wrote to all the england church because the would try to get money from people by telling them that a bone will help you but all it did was made you pay.He did wanted to become a lawyer.The first two of the theses contained Luther central idea, that God intended believers to seek …show more content…

Popular legend has it that on October 31, 1517 luther was critical of the Catholic Church he distanced himself from the radical successors who took up his mantle.In 1530, when Charles V was once again able to turn to the problems of the Reformation in Germany, Luther supervised, although he did not entirely agree with, the writing of Melancthon's Augsburg Confession, one of the foundations of later Protestant thought. From 1530 on Luther spent as much time arguing with other Reformation leaders on matters of theology as with his Catholic opponents.luther disputes with other theologians were carried out with the same intensity he applied to his other work he longed for Christian unity but he could not accept the theological positions which many others had

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