Marx Brothers Rhetorical Analysis: A Night In Casablanca

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Gabrielle Diaz Marx Brothers Rhetorical Analysis Draft 2 1 February 2016 Marx Brothers Rhetorical Analysis This letter, written by Groucho Marx in 1946, addresses the Warner Brothers on their recent warning. The Warner Brothers released a movie in 1942 titled Casablanca, and the Marx Brothers starred in a 1946 film called A Night in Casablanca. The Warner Brothers threatened the Marx Brothers on the grounds that the formerly mentioned were the only ones entitled to use the name “Casablanca” in a movie title. In his responding letter, Groucho Marx uses pathos, allusions, and humor to dissuade the Warner Brothers from pursuing their threat. To begin, Marx utilizes pathos to appeal to the audience’s feelings and prove that the Warner Brothers …show more content…

He starts off the letter with a sarcastic tone when he says, “I had no idea that the city of Casablanca belonged exclusively to Warner Brothers” (3-4). Clearly, the Warner Brothers do not own a city, considering all cities belong to the government of the country they reside in. Marx humorously states that it is his fault for not realizing that no one except the Warner Brothers could use Casablanca. Marx later references some stars in the disputed films when he states, “I am sure that the average movie fan could learn in time to distinguish between Ingrid Bergman and Harpo” (12-13). This statement is whimsical because Ingrid Bergman, who stars in Casablanca, is a woman and looks nothing like Harpo Marx, who is one of the male leads in A Night in Casablanca. In addition, Marx addresses Harry Warner saying, “As for you, Harry, you probably sign your checks, sure in the belief that you are the first Harry of all time and that all other Harrys are imposters” (26-27). With this statement, Marx points out the illogicality behind the claim that a name can be owned. Marx’s humorous arguments illuminate to the audience just how petty the Warner Brothers’ threat is while most likely embarrassing the recipients of the letter. Ultimately, Marx’s use of pathos, allusions, and humor strengthen his argument and fortify his connection with the audience. His pathos establishes an