Mary Dempster: Saint Or Saint?

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After reading the novel Fifth Business by Robertson Davies the question is asked on whether Mary Dempster was a saint or not. To be a saint one would have to perform three miracles n their life time. For arguments sake, the issue to this question will not be based on whether or not Saints are real and if miracles or real or not. One would think that this question is already assuming that saints exist and so do miracles. Based on the following this argument is based on whether or not one could prove that the 3 Miracles that Mary Dempster performed where really miracles or not . To argue this the definition of miracle must be brought up, a miracle is an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God. With this …show more content…

This event rather than a miracle is instead a coincidence which is described as a striking occurrence of two or more events at a time apparently by mere chance. The two events of Willie losing his breathing and Mary Dempster praying for him and then soon after regaining his breathing It's more likely that given time without prayer Willie would've regained conciseness it would be more likely that Mary Dempster's hand clenching was the reason he started breathing again which would not be a miracle as a person doesn't need divine intervention to clench someone's hand. There is no doubt that what Mary Dempster did was informative and smart but to say that helping someone regain their breath is a miracle would be wrong. Given the circumstances a real miracle would be if Mary Dempster would have helped Willie's breathing after a longer amount of time has passed since he stopped breathing. To say that this was Mary's Dempster so called second miracle would be a …show more content…

Using logic and research into this topic all 3 of Mary Dempster's miracles can be put into question. To recap based on the question being asked it is assumed that saints are real and miracles really do happen which require divine intervention to believe that Mary is a saint would be wrong. Now if one were to question the following reading by suggest that it is impossible to prove that Mary is a saint or on the contrary impossible to prove that Mary is not a saint the logical response would be that this question is impossible to answer and prove as the question is being asked with the goal to have an answer. Now it is true that everyone has a different view on what a miracle is based on their culture this is even brought up in the very novel itself that this question is all based upon, In Part 4 chapter 3 Padre Ignacio Blazon says the following about the subject of miracles "Oh, miracles! They happen everywhere. They are conditional. If I take a photograph of you, it is a compliment and perhaps rather a bore. If I go into the South American jungle and take a photograph of a primitive, he probably thinks it a miracle and he may be afraid I have stolen a part of his soul"(Davies, 166) Points like this may be the reason why this question is still be asked and people are still trying to answer this