Deep And Dangerous Analysis

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How elements lead to theme
“Not telling the truth is the quickest way to turn yourself into a stranger.”-Mark W. Perrett. This quote shows the theme and the important elements throughout this book. Everything talked about in this companion book is mostly elements that lead up to the theme.

This companion book is about a book called Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn. Mary is an author of multiple books such as Wait Till Helen comes and All the Lovely Bad Ones. She likes to write horror because she likes adding a touch of fantasy to a story.

Deep and Dark and Dangerous is about a girl named Ali, she is 13 years old, and lives on the east coast. One day she was looking for something to read when she found a photograph from a long time ago. Someone was torn out of the picture and she wants to find out who it was. A couple of weeks later she is invited to stay in the same cottage where the photo was taken. All is going well until she meets a girl named Sissy, who is ruining everything. But Sissy has a secret and Ali wants to find out what it is. …show more content…

She made it seem like everything was normal up until this point. The author uses red herring by having Sissy actually be Teresa. This resulted in us wondering what was going on, and what would happen next. She made it seem like the answer to what she was looking for was somewhere else, and that maybe another event happened that she didn’t want the readers to think could happen. But really the answer was right in front of Ali the whole time.

Ali finally figured out when she was chasing Sissy but she thought that Sissy was running to her house and not her grave so it took her by surprise. I think that Sissy left the sweater on the grave because she knew that Ali would figure it out if she saw it. The sweater was given to Sissy by Emma so putting it on Teresa’s grave stone showed that she doesn’t live anywhere, and it told Ali who Sissy really