Mary In The Old Testament

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Mary is the most important woman in the entire Bible. She was chosen among all the women in the world to be the mother of Jesus; and while Mary herself doesn’t show up until the New Testament, there are many women in the Old Testament that display characteristics of Mary through events and other important women. There are several examples of this throughout the Old Testament, four such examples are: The Ark of the Covenant, Eve, Esther and Samson’s Mother. The Ark of the Covenant, while a strange comparison, holds some interesting parallels to Mary’s being. The Ark itself is made of wood, which although is very useful and strong as a material, isn’t all that glamourous or special. Similarly, Mary was an average Iranian girl, not born from a particularly wealthy or important family but also not born into poverty. To make up for the lack of value from the wood the Ark was then drenched in pure gold, the most valuable of all the precious metals. Although no gold was dumped on her, Mary was given the most valuable position any woman could have, the Queen of Heaven. Another parallel is when the Ark was placed in to the house of Obed-Edom for three months. Mary also spent three months at her cousin Elizabeth’s house. …show more content…

One would think these women as complete opposites but there are some similarities between the two women. One of the most obvious being that they were both born without original sin. They were also both given the title of being the “mother of all living things”, however the biggest parallel between the two must be they both are the founding mothers of God’s religions. Eve was the very first women alive, and therefore was the mother of all Jews. Mary is extremely well respected and recognized by the Church and her people as the founding mother of Christianity for her role as Jesus’s