Mary Maloney Second Degree Murder Essay

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“Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb, but she used it’s leg for murder.” Mary Maloney was heartbroken with the news of her husband’s affairs, she became angered and struck her husband on the head with a frozen leg of lamb. She quickly staged the perfect murder by finding a witness that can prove she was out of the house. And when the cops arrived, she fed them the only piece of evidence, the lamb’s leg. Using the information provided, it should be clear that Mary has committed murder to the second degree. Providing that the murder is a form of second-degree murder, it can be further proved by the fact that their is no proof that the killing was planned. “ The violence of the crash, the noise, the small table overturning, helped bring her out of the shock. She came out slowly, feeling cold and surprised, and she stood for a while blinking at the body." She was undoubtedly surprised. This detail proves that the murder was not planned, if it was then she would have not been in shock but okay with the fact that her husband was …show more content…

She was just trying t0 get her anger out which is natural, but not to this extent. According to Criminal Law Free Advice, “Manslaughter occurs when a person kills another person, but does so without motive.” But the fact of the matter is that Mary intended to hurt Patrick and that there was a motive. The article also states that manslaughter is an accident or self-defense, which is not the case. Mary may not have premeditated the murder, but she did have a motive. An example of second degree murder was a case in the Detroit area that occurred in 2014. This case involved a man by the name of Theodore Wafer who shot a young teenager. Mr. Wafer claimed that the victim, Ms. McBride, was attempting to break in. The girl was going door to door asking for donations to a local church, but he