Mary Sless Research Paper

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I did not attend church until I was seven, in fact it was not even until that point that I found my mom claimed to be Christian. When I was eight years old I was baptized, however I wasn’t truly saved until around the age of 10 or 11 when I first went to my mom’s now husbands home church, it was the first time I heard a sermon that was not all just good news. Brother Pete Ruble was preaching one of his notorious ‘fire and brimstone’ sermons and truthfully it was the first time I had been told that being baptized was not an automatic ‘get out of hell free’ card. At some point in these two years, while attempting to figure out what I wanted to do with my life so I could dress up for the life altering career day, all I could think about was God and what he would want from me. It was during this great internal debate that I first heard a missionary speak. …show more content…

I knew at that time that I wanted to serve the Lord forever, every day. At the time though, I thought that being a missionary was the only way to properly serve the Lord, so I researched constantly. I read books about Mary Slessor and Richard Wurmbrum, and reading in depth analysis’ for books of the Bible became my hobby. The only catch I could find however, was the fact I had always had the desire to do something musically, something I later found out was possible. After around a year of this missionary research my mom got remarried and moved to live with him. This meant I went with her, or I move in with my dad so I would not have to switch schools. Due to the fact I had super strong social anxiety I stayed in Troy with my

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