Mary Surratt: The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

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Mary Surratt should have never been accused for the plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln.
Generally speaking, John Paine was in the plot to kill Lincoln. He would 've known who was innocent and wasn 't. Within the text, it reads, “... Paine.. told the general ,” In the presence of Almighty God, I swear Mrs. Surratt is innocent.”” Being part of a plot, someone would know who was innocent and who wasn 't. Also, God is a very religious figure and Paine swore in the presence of Him.
Although, Mrs. Surratt had lots of visits they may have never have been about the assassination at all. In the article it reads,”..witnesses, however explained her visits as business, testifying that she was trying to track down John Nothey who owed her