Mass Culture In The 1920's

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A truly unique American mass culture saw its creation in the 1920’s where radio shows and movies could be shared all over the country and more Americans were living in cities than ever before. The creation of mass culture in America could be seen as a side effect of all of these new technologies and societal differences that took place in the 20s. Time space compression also had a large effect on mass culture as well. In the 20s because of the creation of new technologies. people could now communicate throughout the country and develop their own similar culture. Whereas in other time periods different areas and states within the same country would have different cultures and slang. In the 20s with the creation of a mass culture in America …show more content…

The birth of American mass culture had a large effect on society in the 1920s. The first radio station was created in 1920, three years later there were more than 500 stations functioning in the nation. By the end of the 1920s more than 12 million households had radios which created an amazing cultural phenomenon. Movie theaters and the mass production and consumption of movies also had a major impact of the birth of the American mass culture in the 1920s as well. It was estimated that over two thirds of the American population went to see a movie in the theatre every week. This had a tremendous effect on the American population forming popular opinions, interests, and sparking the creations of celebrities that weren’t just politicians or generals but movie actors and singers instead. The creation of mass culture also dealt with America becoming a consumerist society and the effects of mass manufacturing and consumption of products. People started buying ready to wear clothes, refrigerators, and much much more. But one of the …show more content…

America is more today than ever before a consumerist society, which saw its start in the 1920s. Present day Americans just like in the 1920s do rely on the production of goods to keep up with their demands and are spending their money on more than just their household necessities. Another thing that has stayed the same from the 1920s to present day is Americans constant need to be entertained. Because of the boom of the 20s more and more people had more money to spend an that spurred the start of people having more freetime and using their money for entertainment. American society especially right now is obsessed with immediate satisfaction which all saw its start in the 1920’s as an entertainment based culture as well. Furthermore, we still use radios and go to cinemas. Even if not in the exact same way that they were used back in the 20s or the style that they were used they still are here and impact American mass culture to some extent in the present