Materialism Vs Dualism Research Paper

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What is a soul? The Webster Dictionary defines a soul as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. I also believe a soul is an immaterial part of being. It encompasses all the characteristics of one. It inhabits all that someone is. Without a soul, they would be a lifeless body. The soul is a separate entity from the mind and body. I think most people look at a soul from a religious perspective whereas I look at a soul in a different way. I look at souls in a spiritual perspective rather than a religious one.
Looking between Dualism and Materialism was like comparing free will and determinism. The Materialist had a strictly logical and a strong opposition to the belief in a soul. The Dualist equated mind and soul, independently from the body. The dualism was based upon the idea that mind is a non-physical matter so therefore it is not a separate from the brain. He believed a soul could exist because mind and body could exist without one another. I related heavily to Descartes idea of Dualism rather than that of Materialism, but I did disagree with some of his thinking. I believe a …show more content…

The mind is a psychological space that makes us aware of thoughts and the world around us. Mind represents both the soul and the spirit as part of our essential life. It’s similar to the body in that it is needed for life but it is still its own entity completely. According to Descartes, the body is a material and mechanical thing. He thought of it as a container for the soul. While I can see where he’s coming from, I believe that the soul depends on the body to demonstrate its ability and live rather than just for containment purposes. We wake up every day, go places, read, write, and speak. The reason we are able to wake up and live is because we have a soul within us instilling our ability connecting with our minds and our bodies. I think without the relation none of the components could reach their highest