Brief Summary Of The Film 'The Matrix'

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The Matrix is an American science fiction film from 1999. It portrays a dystopian future in which people’s reality is actually a computer programme created and run by machines in order to conquer the human race. Their (humans’) bodies’ are used as energy sources. “Neo” – a picked out computer programmer – is able to discover the truth and joins in with people who try to revolt against the machines. The film was based on Plato’s allegory of the cave where prisoners’ in a cave are let to believe that the shadows they see on the wall are the real world. Like in this the people in the Matrix are kept in bondage, they are locked away from the truth and from the opportunity to discover it. Even if told that what they perceive as reality is solely …show more content…

I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? (Takes a bite of steak) Ignorance is bliss.” This is one of the most important and well-known quotes from the film. Cypher here is again trying to emphasise the fact that everything we experience is not real, even the taste of food – this (as said earlier) to me is false, he also says that ignorance, the lack of knowledge and understanding is “bliss” – here I believe he means that sometimes not knowing is better for us and makes our life easier then being aware of the truth. In both Plato’s allegory of the cave and Matrix this is supported by evidence. In the first one before the prisoner finds out the truth he is perfectly comfortable and happy however after, the process of assimilating reality is painful and causes great suffering, while in the second one Neo’s life is more enjoyable and simple then after he takes the pill and realises what is actually going on in his world. This is another similarity between the two stories. We can even notice this on the basis of sight itself, Plato says that after the prisoner would leave the cave his or hers eyes would be sore because of sunlight - this is what ironically happens to Neo, when he asks why his eyes hurt Morpheus says because “You’ve never used them before.” He does not only mean physically but also mentally/psychologically, as