Matthew Lewis Religion In The Monk

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This article offers insight on the masterpiece of Matthew Lewis novel The Monk. Peter Brooks discussed the form of Christianity being a sort of burden to Ambrosio in Lewis’s novel. It also goes into detail on why Lewis questions the religion multiple times when he felt guilty of his sins, as if he is skeptical bout his own religious decisions. Ambrosio’s character is presented as a hypocrite because of the crimes he committed while upholding the authorities of monk. According to Brook, “God s experienced by Matilda is no longer a symbol and incarnation of the Sacred, but rather of the nature of taboo” (251). In this sense the article explains that Matilda’s resistance from God impacted Ambrosio’s beliefs and values during their relationship. …show more content…

I came to a realization that Lewis may have struggled with his religion growing up. The way he dragged Ambrosio’s character beliefs and values through the dirt makes it seem as if that is his interpersonal self. It becomes acknowledging when Brook shows how Matilda was Ambrosio’s distraction from his faith. Even when Ambrosio knew he was about to commit a sin the devil (Matilda) would tap him on his shoulder to lead him into the darkness. This article describes Matilda as the “fierce logician” when it came to getting what she wanted from Ambrosio. The questions that were listed by Brooks make you really think about the price you are to pay when you decide to disobey the higher power. Even though she seems to be asking him for a pretty good reason she isn’t. With Matilda being the mask of Lucifer he was already a part of the devil Lucifer was just waiting for the words to fly out of his mouth. Those words would be giving his soul to the devil in exchange for immortality like …show more content…

My research will answer the question of sexual contact being more important than religious beliefs. Lewis seemed to portray a lot of wickedness throughout his novel. peter Brooks article titled Virtue and Terror: The Monk, went into depth on the topic of Christianity and its beliefs being betrayed by mostly Ambrosio and Matilda. These two characters are the imitations of the Adam and Eve story. The story consisted of Eve listening to the devil disguised as a snake telling her to eat the poison apple. Whereas in the novel Matilda is considered the snake/devil who allows Ambrosio to touch the poisonous flower. Ambrosio being the kind person he was believed in Matilda’s lies. Her sexual attractions caused him to have sexual contact before marriage which was against his faith. As for the second article I used by Daniel Persia “Beauty in the Abyss:(De) creating Human For in Lewis The Monk. This article consists the information on why Lewis used sexual interactions so much in the novel. Persia described how the church was an outlet to seek other individuals of the opposite sex. Women and men would not even listen to the sermon half the time, they just wanted to look for their future partners. When I combined the articles together to interpret the answer to m research question they were both useful I their own ways. I honesty believe I will use