Citations Amyloidosis. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2015. The Mayo Clinic is a web product designed to give people reliable information on rare and common diseases. The website is developed by a team of experts who are experienced with developing comprehensive and reliable content to provide to users. The information updated on the site are from medical experts, physicians, and scientists. More than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers from Mayo Clinic share their expertise by providing information on health related topics. The Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization. The Mayo Clinic site offers guides on hundreds of disease and conditions, provides site researchers with symptom checkers, and offers patient care and health information, …show more content…
The foundation was created by two patients, Don Brockman and Dennis Krysmalski who wanted to find a cure for the rare disease. The foundation is a non-fit organization and is composed of seven Scientific Advisors located through the United States. The foundation has advisors at the Boston Medical Clinic as well as the Mayo Clinic, which are two clinics that are leading the way in research to possible find a cure for a wide spectrum of amyloidosis …show more content…
It has several support groups throughout the world that assist with raising money to help with finding a cure for the disease. The site provides online support and booklets as additional resources to familiarize with the disease. The site has several goals and objectives. A few goals and objectives of the organization are: forming Amyloidosis Support Groups where needed, fund group projects that will help in spreading awareness, co-sponsor Amyloidosis treatment and research fundraisers, purchase and provide awareness items such as pins, wristbands and other similar items for meetings, memorials, and fundraisers, and maintain a 24/7 toll free “Hot/Help Line” to answer all support inquires. The information on the site is gathered from medical doctors throughout the United States and the site is maintained by a small number of ASG