Mccarthyism In 1984

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George Orwell wrote the novel "1984" in 1949. What is engaging about this book is the author's use of advanced technology, like screens that watch you at all times, monitor your heart, and listen to everything you say. What makes this fascinating is that Orwell wrote this over six decades ago, at a time when such technology was only a fragment of his imagination. In the book, the Party spies on the characters to keep everyone in check and ensure no one has opposing thoughts against the Party. Anyone who is inconsistent with the Party's ideology gets punished.

In today's world, people who hold opposing views to the majority of society get punished, much like in George Orwell's "1984." Cancel culture is a phenomenon that consists of the mass …show more content…

McCarthyism was a period of political repression in the United States during the 1950s. Senator Joseph McCarthy and others attempted to purge alleged communists and communist supporters from the government and other institutions. An example of how McCarthyism affected people's lives is the case of Lawrence Parker, a 28-year-old seaman, who got fired from his job as a waiter on the Steamship President Cleveland on February 1951 due to a "poor security risk" but he was never informed of the reason(Schrecker 1041). McCarthyism involved a witch hunt mentality, with people getting accused and often punished without the process of law. While cancel culture, McCarthyism, and thought crime in "1984" are all distinct phenomena, they all have one thing in common: they all involve attempts to control or repress speech or thought deemed unacceptable by those in power. In addition to the topic of punishment for not meeting social standards, another example of cancel culture is the controversy over the Dixie Chicks. The Dixie Chicks (now known as The Chicks) faced heavy backlash and what some would consider cancel culture in 2003 after lead singer Natalie Maines made a controversial comment about President George W. Bush. During a concert in London, Maines said, "Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas." The comment sparked outrage among some fans and conservative groups. Security brought metal detectors and bomb-sniffing dogs to some of the group's American concert venues. Their fan base dwindled over the ensuing months, and their CDs got destroyed at protests (known as "Chick Tosses"), the Chicks received hate mail and death threats, and two radio DJs got fired for playing the Dixie Chicks' music