Mead Hall In Beowulf

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In the epic poem Beowulf, the mead hall, Heroet, is an Anglo-Saxon mythological building. During the Anglo Saxons’ time, mead halls were places of importance, where social and religious events were held. Mead halls were usually made of a mud mixture, wood, and hay, like most buildings at that time (The Worst Jobs In History 1of6 Roman Anglo Saxon). Inside, there is a fireplace in the middle of the building, making it the center of activity (The Worst Jobs In History 1of6 Roman Anglo Saxon). The 3D model was created using Minecraft. The materials used were oak wood, assorted colored wood planks, hay, gold blocks, cobble stone stairs and slabs, stone brick stairs and slabs, and Redstone blocks and pistons. Since mud cannot be placed between wood, the oak wood acts as a …show more content…

The poem also said Heroet had a “pattern floor” (Inc., k12 725) and “Iron brace doors” (Inc., k12 721). As well as gold fitted benches, as stated in lines 775to 777, “mead benches were smashed and sprung of the floor, gold fittings and all” (Inc., k12 775-7). For the model, different colored wood was used to create a floor pattern and doors with iron braces were used as the front doors. Gold blocks, to depict gold fittings, were also placed on the ends of each bench that are by the tables. At the end of the poem, lines 832 to 835 states, “Clear proof of this could be seen in the hand the hero displayed high up near the roof: the whole of Grendel’s shoulder and arm, his awesome grasp” (Inc., k12). Grendel’s arm was displayed in Heroet after the battle. The 3D model has a representation of the Grendel’s arm perched on the back wall, along with a sign telling that it is Grendel’s arm. The model also has a few additions to add uniqueness from other standard mead halls, as well as descriptions not stated in the poem. Such as a second fireplace in the back wall, which was placed to attract the eyes towards Grendel’s