Meanin Duvall Authorial Intent

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Reader response is critical in biblical interpretation because hermeneutics is the art and science of the text. Reader response solidifies the relationship of the interpreter to the text that is being reviewed, in that the reader implements his literary theory without considering the author’s purpose. However, authorial intent is the mind of the author, and what he wants for the readers or audiences to comprehend, so that the correct information is conveyed to the believers and non-believers. Klein adds, “If we are to understand God’s truth for ourselves (and to teach or preach it to others), we must discover precisely what God intended to communicate.”1 The issue of communication is essential to the discussion of the authorial intent because any type of oral or written communication involves three expressions of meaning: (1) what the speaker or writer meant by what he or she said; (2) what the recipient actually understood by the statement; and (3) in some abstract sense, what meaning is actually encoded in the text or utterance itself.2 In my opinion the reader controls the …show more content…

This meaning includes its meaning for the biblical audience and the theological principles behind that meaning…Typology are the only thing that comes close to being an exception.”6 I must consider Duvall’s statement because typology operates from the prophetic which is an individual who is inspired by God to proclaim an accurate account of occurrences that would happen in the future. Therefore, I suggest that typology would be more favorable to Christians in the 21st century. Biblical interpretation operates from the origin of the text, that being said, God operates only in truth, and allegory has a tendency to capitalize on the interpreter thought process rather than the message that the author wanted to convey that was given to him by