Meaning Of Jonas's Community In The Giver

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In the community where Jonas lives they say things differently than what we say, but they both mean similar things. Jonas’s community is very strict about what they do and say. Their community is all about uniformity. For example, they use words like Ceremony of Twelve, comfort object, and release. For each of those three words, they have a meaning that is related to a word that a person in this world would use. First, is the word Ceremony of Twelve. In The Giver Jonas goes to the ceremony because he is turning 12. In their world, it seems like they do not celebrate birthdays. They only go to a ceremony for all of the kids who turn a certain age. It would be pretty depressing knowing that birthdays are not celebrated for each and every individual. A birthday is a day where people have the whole day to commemorate the day they were born. Most of the time celebrating a birthday is with a person 's family or friends. Imagine having someone’s birthday honored in front of a huge crowd! That would be a bit embarrassing to have someone’s name …show more content…

The words in Jonas’s community are very different from this world. Their community enforces a lot of conformity, but in this reality we are all different. It is a good thing to be separate from the others. Our societies word’s have a very different meaning than theirs because we do not implement sameness. Each one of these words implies equality because they want their world to be a utopian lifestyle. For example, The Ceremony of Twelve suggests that everyone has to turn twelve on the same day and no one gets individual consideration. Also, having a “comfort object” says that everyone should not have a unique name for their toy, and that there is an age limit for keeping for how long they can keep it. Lastly, being released suggests that every person should die the same way, and their “funerals” should all be alike. It is great to be similar to others, but it is more important to recognize and accept everyone else 's