Essay About Quality In Education

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The Definition of Quality
Quality is the thing as the standard of something as measured against the other things of a similar kind; the degree of something excellent. The meaning of education is the process to facilitate educating process, or the teaching and studying of much knowledges, skills, scores , beliefs, and daily activities . The Method of education is include telling of story, share with friends , teaching, studying, practicing , and do research directly. Education usually takes a part is held of the guidance of teachers, but students may also educate and learn themselves.[ ]Education can take a part in formal or informal arrangement and fields and also some experiences that have a formative influences on the process of one opinion, feeling, or acts may be realized as educational. Pedagogy is called teaching process method. The basic meaning of the word quality according to Dahlan Al-Barry in Modern
Indonesian Dictionary is "quality": "quality, good thing bad"(1). Just as quoted by Quraish Shihab which defines quality as a good level of bad things or the quality of something.( ) Whereas if observed …show more content…

Achievements achieved or educational outcomes (student achievement) can be test results of academic ability, such as general repetition, EBTA or UN. It may also be achievements in other fields such as in a particular sport, art or skill branch. Even school performance can be an intangible condition such as an atmosphere of discipline, intimacy, mutual respect, cleanliness and so on.( ) In addition, the quality of education is the ability of the basic education system, both in terms of management and in terms of educational process, which is directed effectively to increase the value and input factors to produce the highest