Medea And A Doll's House Analysis

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Marriage is known to be a sacred union of a man and woman where they love, care for, and protect one another. These promises that they make to each other on the alter are the foundation of a healthy relationship. Without these promises and a lack of loyalty and trust, the marriage cannot succeed. Euripides and Henrik Ibsen both reveal how flaws in human condition lead to tragic relationships and devastated marriages in their plays Medea and A Doll’s House. Euripides begins his play, Medea, with more than enough information to allow the reader to see that Medea and her husband, Jason, are in a toxic relationship. “That’s when life is most secure and safe, when woman and her husband stand as one. But that marriage changed. Now they’re enemies.” (Euripides lines 19-21) Their marriage was based on a lie and that defeats the purpose of a marriage itself. Medea’s love for Jason was real and with that she trusted him and was loyal to him. “her heart passionately in love with Jason.” (Euripides line 12) Jason’s lack of love for her after he received what he wanted from her is the reason for the tragic ending of this play and of their relationship in the beginning. Jason has many flaws that contributed to the demise …show more content…

Nora has been blinded all her life by what seems to be perfectly happy and healthy relationships. It takes a test of her husband’s loyalty to prove that what she thinks she has is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. “When that was done, I was so absolutely certain, you would come forward and take everything upon yourself, and say: I am the guilty one.” (Ibsen) Her husband, Torvald, is also flawed by an absence of loyalty toward his wife. When he was faced with a tough situation that was not beneficial to himself, he immediately gave up on his wife and started to search for a way to clear his own name. “But no man would sacrifice his honour for the one he loves.”

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