Medea's Monologue Analysis

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‘’Too trivial are the deeds I recall- those things I did as a girl. 'Tis time for deeper passion; now I am a mother, more impressive crimes are expected. Gird yourself in fury, with all your frenzy ready yourself for destruction!’’
Quoted above some lines from Medea’s monologue, here it is seen that she prays to the gods and hopes them to help her to accomplish her evil and brutal vengeance. In addition to that she reveals her destructive mental state against her husband and she is aware of her power as a mother, she knows her revenge will be greater as she is not the girl anymore who flees with Jason from Colchis.
In monologue of Medea, we witness her rage but we do not know what she is mad at. After monologue, reason is explained by Chorus. They look more objective to events than that of Euripides. The wedding preparations and Jason’s betrayal are described by the Chorus, thus audience learns reason of Medea’s rage.
Seneca and Euripides choose different styles to start with their tragedies. Euripides presents the reason of Medea’s grief by …show more content…

[They must die. And since they must,
I who gave them birth will kill them.]’’
Last quotation by Medea shows that her own justification for her murder of children. She does not want to leave her children as a mother to a hostile country, sos he chooses to kill them. Here, again, her human and flawed side is shown by Euripides.
Unlike that of Euripies, Seneca’s Medea is sent exile without her children and he presents her murder of children as the pure brutality to satisfy and strenghten her vengeance. Medea has that idea of killing her children when Jason refuses to allow her to take children with her and thus she realizes how much Jason loves them. So she thinks that his great love for his children can bring him great pain with their

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