Media Effects Model

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Differential Susceptibility to Media Effects Model (DSMM). DSMM attempts to answer why The use of the hashtag #MeToo uproots the layout of power, giving the public more control while limiting the White House’s ability to frame the issue. Unlike other problems, the Me Too movement erupted before the administration could frame the story. This made it harder for the White House to create a counter frame which may have prevented the Me Too movement from entering the first dimension of power. By failing to take into account the effects of advancing technology, the Cascading Activation Model allocates a disproportionate amount of power to the White House and elites. Entman underestimates the media and public by giving them a passive role instead …show more content…

Another factor is offered by Margaret Keck and Kathryn Sikkink.[13] Keck and Sikkink analyzed the role of world politics after the turn of the twentieth century. They discovered an increased involvement of many state and non-state actors, which are key contributors to providing a global understanding on cultural and social norms. These state and non-state actors attempt to influence policy outcomes and transform the terms of international debates. Keck and Sikkink acknowledged the power dynamics between countries but also believed that some of the most powerful countries were limited by ideologies. A list of moral do’s and don’ts restricts even the most powerful countries from doing what they want. Groups such as advocacy organizations, NGO’s, intergovernmental organizations, local movements, foundations, media, and churches come together to share information between allies in order to ensure that countries are upholding the universal morals. This creates what Keck and Sikkink call the boomerang pattern. When nations are debating issues such as universal healthcare, gun control, and capital punishment, international beliefs and national identity can come into direct conflict. The narrative of freedom in America prevents many gun control acts from being passed no matter how much international pressure is placed on them. However, the universal belief that you ought to protect human rights and combat genocide is promoted and protected by powerful countries. The difference between gun control and human rights is that nearly all groups can get behind the latter. A critique of Keck and Sikkink is their assertion that there are universal morals, which implies that individuals believe in a common truth. However, according to the hardline constructionist view given by Murray Edelman, all truths are different and there is no one right truth.[14] As a result, while Keck and Sikkink provide a well