Media Influence On American Politics

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There are many powerhouse groups that can be said to run this country, although there is some dispute over a few of them there are in fact two that shouldn’t be denied, these include the media and the system of politics called our government. Although in many cases these two powerhouses are separate, the media tend to focus quite a bit of there attention on politics. The media is no doubt the biggest player when it comes to dishing out the news in this country. When it comes to certain political issues and the way many of the top stories are reported, people notice that there are drastically different views coming from these news sources. Studies that look into theses differences show that different media outlets do tend to cover big headlines in a different manner than others and these sources are even noted as displaying the same ideology of a certain political parties. Many people have also been surveyed and interviewed about the bias of American media and increasing amounts of them say that …show more content…

It is safe to say that the people are not wrong when they notice that certain sites or news outlets cover stories with different views. The audience can see different outlets and how they are shifted to one side of the political scale or the other. With the knowledge of this shift, either against a certain view or for it, we can conclude that the media is indeed politically bias and that people are not simply under the impression that the media is only against their views. There is an argument that goes against the idea of the media being bias and it’s called the “Hostile Media Phenomenon”. The phenomenon proposes that the audience instead of the media is the