
Media's Depiction Of Historical Events During The American Civil War

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Introduction In medias today historical events are often showcased through documentaries, series and videogames. But is the media always depicting the true historical facts or do they at times tend to not tell the truth or outright lie? Those are but some of the questions connected with the modern medias depiction of historical events. In connections with this focus will be centred around the events during the American civil war. Statement This is a topic that I have chosen as of the fact that a greater and greater amount of our historical knowledge originate from media whether it is through videogames or movies. I can’t help but wonder just how much of the information we receive, through these platforms, really is legitimate historical facts. …show more content…

Most commonly, students “know” false facts about the past based on their viewing of movies such as Forrest Gump and Schindler’s List.” (Wineburg, 2016), this is what Sam Wineburg, History-education scholar, told A. J. Angulo about his classes when he was interviewed for the book: Miseducation: A History of Ignorance-Making in America and Abroad. This quotation highlights the problematics connected with the falsehood of events during historical periods presented by the entertainment medias, should it be movies, videogames or such. This historical “freedom” the producers of movies and such takes, have a direct impact on the youths understanding of history and historical events as it is presented by Sam Wineburg and A. J. Angulo. These misinterpretations of historical facts can result in a loss of true historical facts and misguidance amongst those who unknowingly believe the “truth” shown in movies etc. Is this a problem? If it is how can it be prevented and should …show more content…

As a result, playability can be seen to overpower historicity” (Playing with the past: digital games and the simulation of history., 2013) Though this quote is specifically focused on videogames many parallels can be seen between this and how movies depict historical events. During movies and series such as the proclaimed North and South historical inaccuracies can be found. These are normally for the sake of the audience as they spice up the story or simply makes it better. As mentioned before this has an impact on young students and the general public’s understanding of historical events and such, resulting in misinterpretations and straight out wrong knowledge. Though not all see this as an obstacle and at the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College at the University of Mississippi they have actually taken the historical inspired video games into

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