
Medical Instrument Case Study

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4.4.2 Acceptability of the Instrument
Acceptability or ease of use is determined by the number of participants who completed the questionnaire scale without omitting any items in addition to the required time to complete it (Kalisch et.al, 2010). 90.96% of the participants (N= 181) completed the instrument without omitting any items. Another 7.54% omitted only one item and only 3 participants (1.51%) omitted 2 items. Most participants were able to complete the questionnaire within 15 minutes. Accordingly, the low portion of missing data indicates that the instrument was well accepted by the participants.
4.4.3 Reliability of the Instrument
Reliability is defined as “the extent to which a variable or set of variables is consistent in what is …show more content…

Descriptive statistics of the frequencies, means and percentages of medical errors occurrence as a result of each cause are presented in Table 4.3. The staff who participated in this study reported that their team often or frequently encountered medical errors because of lack of equipments (52%), lack of training/experience (47%), lack of teamwork skills (44%), communication breakdown (45%), Lack of planning, failure in decision making, conflict within team members, failure in patient’s information sharing (37%), lack of collaboration within team members (36%), conflict with other teams (31%), delegation of authority (28%), weakness in controlling team members(26%) and lack of following guidelines …show more content…

Errors occurrence in sharing patient’s information varied with team leadership style. Failure in planning and lack of collaboration varied with medical unit and team leadership. Failure in decision-making varied with medical units. Delegation of authority varied with positions. However specialist doctors witnessed errors due to the delegation of authority more than other. Weakness in controlling team members varied with hospital type, position, preferred working style and team leadership.
In summary, it is evident from Table 4.4 that the majority of medical errors causes vary with medical unit where all of them were more likely to occur in the ICUs. Also, they varied with team leadership. However, those who perceive autocratic team leadership style witnessed more frequently errors than other. On the other hand, preferred working style also affects the occurrence of errors. All of those who preferred working individually encountered more frequently errors as a result of teamwork-related skills than those preferred working on teams because the nature of medical environments requires working on teams to best satisfy patient’s

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