
Medicare Contrast Essay

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During the 1960s there were new ideas on the basis of American freedom, through the civil rights movement and sexual discrimination. The American economy was also fighting its own war with the rising unemployment rate and poverty sweeping the country. On the other hand, during the 1980s the American economy faced two recessions early on but had steady growth through the decade. During both decades questions arose on specific programs such as Medicare or Medicaid and the government's role in the United States economy. President Johnson and Reagan had contrasting views on the ways in which the government should act in the United States economy and society. President Johnson, who was a Democrat, believed the government should play an active role in society and the economy in order to promote social and economic justice for all citizens. On the other hand, President Reagan, who was a Republican, believed in limited government intervening with society and the economy; he also believed in a free market economy. …show more content…

Some of these programs are; headstart which provided poorer families with education, medicare which provided healthcare to the elderly, and Medicaid which provided healthcare for the less fortunate. These programs also required the government to be very present in America’s economy and society. Johnson strongly believed that the government should use its power in order to promote such programs to create a better and more equal life in the United States. He also increased funding for education and social welfare programs. Johnson believed that government intervention was necessary to address the inequalities and injustices that existed in American society. Johnson's policies led to the expansion of social welfare programs and the impact is still widely seen in today’s

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