Medicare In Health Care Essay

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Our government established programs for Americans that are eligible to receive quality healthcare assistance. "(July 30, 1965), two publicly funded health insurance programs established with the passage of amendments to the Social Security Act." Source: Houghton Mifflin Company. Great American History Fact-Finder, Medicare/Medicaid. (2004) Retrieved: June 16, 2016. For US citizens, Medicare provides medical coverage for people over age sixty-five with basic health insurance and it covers hospital and doctor visits. Young people with chronic kidney disease and certain disabilities may also qualify. In November 2003, a new prescription drug benefit was added November of 2003 to the program; this became the biggest expansion in its history. Medicaid …show more content…

Medicare's payment systems have set a good standard for other insurance carriers in the U.S. as well as worldwide. Medicare's payment systems have also helped to modify and innovate the health services delivery system. For instance, after Medicare's prospective payment system for hospital services was put into effect, hospital expense growth decreased, the average time of a hospital stay declined and ambulatory care options like home health services grew for both public and private payers. (Nancy-Ann M.D. Financing Review, 22(1),) "Medicare has established strong Federal standards for the quality of hospitals, nursing homes, and home health care agencies that benefit all Americans." Source: Nancy-Ann, M. D. (2000). Celebrating 35 years of Medicare and Medicaid. Retrieved: June 16, 2016. "Medicare has some of the strongest patient protections for beneficiaries enrolled in health maintenance organizations and other managed care plans." Source: Nancy-Ann, M. D. (2000). Celebrating 35 years of Medicare and Medicaid. Retrieved: June 16,

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