Melissa Mccarthy Analysis

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Aristotle: Melissa McCarthy is acting like a buffoon in this bit.
Hobbes: Why do you say that Aristotle?
A: In this bit she is carrying her humor in excess, she is also striving after humor at all costs and willing to cause pain to the object of the laughter instead of aiming at what is true and right. She is also a slave to her sense of humor, and doesn’t spares herself or others if she can raise a laugh.
H: So does that mean that anyone that strives to make someone laugh is a buffoon?
A: No their are different levels of my theory, those who can’t make a joke and can’t put up with those who do are boorish and unpolished. This boor is useless for social interaction because he contributes nothing and finds fault in everything. The most common …show more content…

A: Because we adapt to the people around us. For example if I grew up with parents that have a vulgar sense of humor then I will most likely develop a vulgar sense of humor. But you most likely grew up with boorish parents which makes you so boor.
H: Funny Aristotle, but I do agree that Melissa McCarthy had a vulgar sense of humor but I believe that everyone who laughed at the bit has the same sense of humor because laughing at this bit is aggressive. When you laugh at someone you essentially think you are better then the person you are laughing at.
A: Why do you believe that so many people laughed at this vulgar comedy?
H: I believe that some people look at Sean Spicer as a buffoon and according to my theories that is what makes him so much easier to laugh at, I also believe that people laugh at things that are new and unexpected which is exactly what this bit is. I don’t think anyone expected a woman to impersonate a man such as Sean Spicer to that degree. Comedy is also all about offense, in order to laugh the joke must have all the absurdities and infirmities of the person being laughed at. I also believe that people love to laugh when other people laugh, for instance in this bit their was laughing in the background that made it