Melucci's Collective Identity Theory Analysis

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Melucci’s (1995) theory of collective identity construction in the field of social movements provides a more meso-level approach to identity theory. Collective identity is interactive and shared definition produced by several individual, which is concerned with orientations of action and orientations of actions and fields of opportunities and constraints in which the action takes place. This definition has three parts: first, the formation of “we” by individuals is made by making three things in common: ends, means, and the environment field in which it takes place. Second, collective identity as a process refers to a network of active relations between actors who interact, communicate, influence each other, negotiate and make decisions. Third, …show more content…

Devries (2012) states, that vegetarianism has long been intertwined with utopian hopes. Vegetarianism has of course become trendy as well as trend and in some way Americans have never been more conscious regarding matter of health and food. Vegetarianism can be a form of individual resistance to an unjust society but it can be as easy as act of mechanism by which people lose sight of bigger picture, while simultaneously thinking were doing something praiseworthy. Just as individual turning off light do not solve larger system energy problem, similarly individual vegetarian will not overcome the injustice of food, if there is loss of track the larger issued at stake. Another article by Peterson (2005), examines the influence of culture on food taste preference and the implications on consumer. This article also discusses the importance of cultural development in relation to food preference and sweetness in particular. The search for identity through consumption is a key area of interest not only in cultural studies but also to marketer as they need to recognize that changing world (Tiu wright, Nancarrow & Kwok, 2001). However this article shows that vegetarianism is the belief in and practice of eating exclusively plant and abstaining from any form of animal food. This article say that individual choose to be vegetarian as an influence from friends and family, concern for global warming and health issue. Also due to belief in animal right, religion, food scares or diseases transmission, aesthetic or gustatory issue concern for global warming and environment protection (Tee,

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