Mental Health Counselor Career Paper

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“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary life.”(C. S. Lewis). Many people who experience hardships often seek help from mental health professionals. Many of those professionals are psychologists and counselors. Psychologists and counselors are two careers that have many different fields and aspects about them and take a specific type of person to become them. The education path to become a psychologist is long and strenuous. The first step is to get a bachelor’s degree, typically a bachelor’s degree is psychology. The requirements needed to complete that degree are completing a variety of science and liberal arts courses. There are many different courses a student can take, for example, Introductory Psychology, Experimental …show more content…

They are also in constant contact with people, talking on the phone, sitting down and talking face-to-face with people. Counselors not only work with individuals, but they also work with groups. (Summary Report for: Mental Health Counselors) They are many tasks that come with being a counselor. They have to keep their clients information and treatment private, check to see if they are suicidal, encourage them to talk about their personal lives, help clients deal with their problems, and fill out paperwork regarding their clients. They also have to conduct tests, interviews, and observations to get information on their clients and use that information to determine treatment plans. (Choosing, Mental Health Counselor, Mental Health Counseling Job Description: What You’ll Do, Summary Report for: Mental Health Counselors) Majority of counselors are Mental Health Counselors, and their average median salary was $41,880 yearly, as of 2015, in the U.S. In Michigan, their average median salary was $45,820 yearly, as of 2015. New Mental Health Counselors can have salaries as low as $28,290 yearly, while experienced Mental Health Counselors can have salaries as high as $57,970. (Mental Health Counselor ,Summary Report for: Mental Health

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