Mental Health For Veterans Essay

1372 Words6 Pages

Charley Nichols
English 9
6 March, 2023

Veterans all around the United States are at risk of homelessness and are in need of some help. Some of the reasons why the veterans are homeless is because mental/physical health problems, not being employed, or not having the education to find the a good-paying job. The military nor the government had not prepared the vetrans to go back to civilian life to get employed or have an education.Since veterans are at risk of homelessness because they did not have the proper requirements to get a job, the government should provide training for non-military occupations.
Getting Health For Veterans
Veterans having a good mental health is important because if their mental health is bad they would not able able to get employed.Anne C. Black and other people have been in school of medicine. They have written a report that show the type of treatment veterans get for their PTSD. The VA health care has found better ways to help with the mental health of veterans( Black et al. 1). …show more content…

Yuanlu Niu is an assistant professor for human resource and workforce development.Nlu did a study about the veterans getting an education and fund out, Studies have said veterans getting an higher education can help them get into a workforce ( Nlu et al. 73). If more veterans get an education like these it would most likely have less veterans on the streets.The transition for them would be easier because the veterans transition into higher education. Wood founded out in the study of the veterans that, If veterans find out that getting an education can be helpful it could help them lead them to success (Wood 12).It would really help the veterans that are in need of a job . By giving them the education they want and making them self-employed . Or in general get employed and not end up homeless from a lack of a