Mental Illness In America Essay

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1. Introduction In a given year, an estimate of 54 million adults in America experience a mental illness, and nearly 1 in 25 of them live with a serious mental illness (Ref 1). This number continues to grow (Ref 2). Many studies have concluded that mental illnesses are influenced by a mixture of biological, psychological and environmental factors (Ref 3), (Ref 4); with such studies and research, one would think that the perception of Americans towards mental illness would positively improve. Yet, there is still little evidence to show that misunderstanding of mental illness has decreased in the contemporary American society (Ref 5). There is even an apparent increased social distance between the sufferers and the public in social settings (Ref 5). This brings me to the purpose of my research paper which is to examine the extent to which the public has changed their perception of mental patients in America. This research paper will start by giving a background to mental illness. It will then look at misunderstanding surrounding the illnesses. The paper will then proceed to examine the attitudes of the American public towards mental illnesses. 2. …show more content…

Mental illnesses are also known as mental disorders, defined as “diseases that cause mild to severe disturbances in thought and/or behavior, resulting in an inability to cope with life’s ordinary demands and routines” (Ref 6). They can present themselves in more than 200 classified forms. Some of the common ones consist of depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, addictive behaviors and even various eating disorders (Ref 7). General symptoms include, but are not limited to, changes in mood, sleeping habits, eating habits, substance abuse, irrational yet excessive fears, constantly fatigue and even denial of the seriousness of illness (Ref

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