Mental Issues In The Things They Carried

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War can leave soldiers with life lasting consequences that steals you of your youth,innocence, purpose and mental health. These different emotional trauma that soldiers face can cause scars and permanent affect on the soldiers who served in the war. According to 7 out of 100 veterans face ptsd or other mental issue after leaving war an only 30% of soldiers do not. In The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien the Vietnam War had stolen the brightness of American soldiers futures and lead them to have a negative impact mentally that eventually scared them for life. A few things vietnam war had stolen from Jimmy an his platoon would be resposiblity an accountability of it soldiers. Whenever a soldiers died …show more content…

Ptsd can happen to anyone who faces physical or sexual assault, natrual disaster an more. For soldiers they can develop post traumatic stress disorder when exposed to battle, seeing the death of friend an even violent act. Within The Things They Carried soldiers who came back from the Vietnam war after fighting for there country had experienced ptsd or other relative mental issue which is shown in the book by distressing memories, nightmares, anxiety and even sadness..”They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing--these were intangibles, but the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight. They carried shameful memories. They carried the common secret of cowardice.... Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to.” PG 21. This conveys that soldiers who struggled with post traumatic stress disorder faces emotional baggage which stays with them even after leaving the war. Jimmy an others in his platoon suffer from grief an terror an face baggage from the traumatic event within the war as they long for there family an normal life. These emotional weight are intangible on these soldiers as they can not do anything to stop it but at the same time a burden affecting each soldier mental and emotional well being. Ptsd stole the soldiers peace of mind an happinines which left them with scars that last an life time after seeing platoon member die an tragic