Psychosocial Model Of Mental Illness

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Introduction A mental illness is a medical condition that disrupts a person's thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning. Mental illnesses are medical conditions related with brain, which generally results in diminished individual coping capacity with daily demands of life. Sufferer of mental illness can be a child, adult, old age people, mental illness can affect any person of any religion caste, and race and income. Recovery with mental illness is possible. Mental illness can be understood by many models like spiritual model, Psychological Models, Psychosocial Model, biomedical model, biomedical model is based on scientific aspects of medicine. Bio psychosocial model is integrated approach to human behaviour …show more content…

Part of the clinical process involves negotiations between these explanatory models, once they have been made explicit. some of the common explanatory models of mental illnesses explained by researches are Unprovoked violence Is violent in an uncontrollable way to others/things without alcohol or other provocation Violence to oneself Has attempted to or has committed suicide in the last two years Hallucinations Sees things or hears voices that others do not Possessions Possessed by ghosts, devils, evil spirits Social isolation Does not work, has no friends, is always alone and shows no interest in any social activity Sadness, depression Is always sad, unhappy, and cries for no apparent reason Insomnia Suffers from sleeplessness Irrelevant talk Talks irrelevantly, incoherently, and excessively Bizarre behaviour Behaves strangely and in a manner not acceptable to society Suspiciousness Feels suspicious of, and persecuted by, others for no apparent reason Neglect of personal hygiene Does not take care of self and surroundings Mental sub normality Behaviour not appropriate for age, Black magic, Spiritual possession, spells, curses, witchcraft Bad wind, evil eye, astrological …show more content…

Many of them first seek help from religious, faith healer, traditional healer, as they are supposed to having a connection with supernatural powers. Many times stigma takes place for the choice of seeking medical treatment. These healers perform religious rituals and practices and give the explanation of cause and treatment strategy. Traditional healing is the practices which do not fall under paradigm of conventional medicine, traditional healing encompasses the application of indigenous techniques, skills, beliefs, and knowledge to cure any disease or unusual symptom. Traditional healing practices and therapy are very close to culture. Alternative healing varies over a range from Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy, Herbalism, Hypnosis, Acupuncture, Aroma therapy, Colour therapy, Yoga and meditation and the faith healing, traditional occult healing, prayer healing. Which are more towards the negative side of alternative healing forms. Attitude and beliefs of people for mental illness explained through their own perceptions, based on their knowledge experience and behaviours. Cause and relief is sought along with explanations of patients, care givers in accordance with their