Se Gracias Mama Analysis

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Bright orange light came piercing through the windows, the loud sound of the rooster awoke Omar at six in the morning like everyday. He goes out and does his morning duties, feeds the chickens, cows, and gives horses fresh water and hay. Omars mother went out earlier this morning to bring his father and him menudo from around the corner.
“Mijo ven a comer! Te traje menudo de la esquina.”
“Gracias mama. Quieres que trigo comida para papa?”
“Si gracias mijo te lo preparo para ti.”
Omar brings the menudo to his father, he wakes him up and helps him get up.
“Bueno manana papa. Tengo menudo para ti.”
“Gracias mijo que rico.”
“De nada papa te preparo las cosas para irte a el trabajo.”
Omar sits down and eats with his mother. He goes to the mercado …show more content…

Había un hombre con armas y el disparo a tus papas! Ya vamos!”
Omar and his friend ran as fast as they could, Omar wouldn't know what to do without them. When they arrived they saw a crowd of people and police everywhere, trying to get passed the crowd omar saw his parents laying on the flood with blood on them. He tried to run to them but a police officer got in his way.
“No puedes entrar.”
“Dejame! Son mis padres!”
The officer moved out of his way and Omar ran to his parents.
“Mama! Papa! Por favor despierten! No pueden ir como así! The necesito!” Omar trying to get them to wake up and shaking them, his friend pulled him away from them.
“Son Muertos Omar”
“Que no! Necesitan ayuda! Por que nadie estan ayudando los?”
“Por que estan muertos omar. Porfavor.”
Omar got up and ran back to his house. Got his things along with his mother's favorite necklace and his fathers badge of honor. He set out to where his father was stationed for training. Being able to get rides from the back of various cars and trucks, Omar arrived at the camp. One of the guards came up to him.
“Que quieres?”
“Quiero servir en el ejército.”
“Puedes entrar” They brought him in and brought him to a …show more content…

One of the soldiers yelled to Omar.
“Omar! Roberto recibió un disparo y esta en la enfermeria!”
“Ahorita voy!” Omar ran to infirmary and saw Roberto with a bullet wound.
“Roberto estas bien?”
“No. No pienso que voy a sobrevivir esto. Voy a ver tu papa otra vez” Roberto dies in his arms, Omar gently sets him down and goes back to the fighting for Robertos honor. When the fighting finally ended with the japanese defeat and the surviving soldiers were allowed to go back home. It was morning when the soldiers were boarding the ships, Omar was dirty and tired, he looked around at the other soldiers then looked at the bright orange sky, he sat down and waited until he arrived the ports ready for what else was to come for