Merchant Of Venice Valor Analysis

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Characters’ Valor in The Merchant of Venice The word “Valor,” simple meaning of it is “brave.” In The Merchant of Venice, most of the characters are all full with valor and courageous, but there is a few of them that are different than those such as Shylock, and Prince of Morocco. Their valor is something that uniquely different than the others, but in this passage, it will include Lorenzo; he is not unique, but he is an example of a character that has a good valor. In this passage there will be an example of three people which are Shylock, the Prince of Morocco, and Lorenzo. The first character is Shylock. Shylock is somehow a cruel man. He seems merciless to other people; for instance, he keeps tax with high interest, Although, when Antonio …show more content…

It could say that Prince of Morocco is confident, valorous, and brave in himself. From this quote “I tell thee, lady, this aspect of mine Hath feared the valiant. By my love, I swear The best-regarded virgins of our clime Have loved it too” (2.1.8-10). Prince of Morocco is too brave and confident in himself, too brave that he said his face is frightful, and when another man sees his face; they would be anxious of him. He did not only flaunt about those man would be anxious of him. More than that, he even said his face is a good-looking face. Its good enough to make many girls feel passionate and like him. This is one unique thing about Prince of Morocco, and another unique thing is “By this scimitar That slew the Sophy and a Persian prince That won three fields of Sultan Solyman I would o’erstare the sternest eyes that look: Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth” (2.1.25-28). He is a valorously prince that did not even afraid to show off about his biography. He told that with his Arabian sword; he triumphed over many tribes such as Sophy, and Persian. He told more details about his background is that he even subjugated the Sultan Solyman for three times. Then Prince of Morocco stated that he would be sure that he will be daring to be harden than the bravest person in this world. This is the second unique thing of …show more content…

His braveness is nothing unique if compare to Shylock, and Prince of Morocco, though, Lorenzo is brave enough to plan and make Jessica escape her father’s house “Nay, we will slink away in supper-time, Disguise us at my lodging, and return All in an hour” (2.4.1-3). Lorenzo looks ahead and plan everything in his mind. Even Gratiano, Salerio, and Solanio did not know until Lorenzo started to tell them. It could tell that Lorenzo’s valor is full of good deeds because he wants to help Jessica be free of her father, and from this quote he said let’s be gone secretly during the evening because him and his friends need to change their outfit in order to keep the progress of the plane going. After the time of their disappearance; they will be back in one hour to continue the plan. However, there is a part that Lorenzo became too self-confident which is “Lorenzo, and thy love” (2.6.28). This is the part after Lorenzo sneaked in Jessica’s room by the window and he has been asking by Jessica that who he is. The point is she asked who are you, but not Jessica’s love or not. He came out of nowhere and said he is Jessica’s love after he told his name. It is funny that Lorenzo is so confident, and not scare to get reject by her after he said that word. It is lucky for Lorenzo that Jessica did not reject him “Lorenzo, certain, and my love indeed, for who love I so much? And now who knows but you, Lorenzo, whether I am yours?” Let say Lorenzo just got save