
Mercies And Britain's Duties George Whitefield Analysis

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Rhetorical Analysis of George Whitfield’s “On Britain’s Mercies and Britain’s Duties” Great Awakening preacher George Whitefield, in his sermon “On Britain’s Mercies and Britain’s Duties” which was preached in 1746 at the New House in Philadelphia addresses the topic of God’s mercy and the duties the colonists owed to Him. Whitefield’s sermon occurred shortly after the British victory over the French in Nova Scotia. He supports this claim by using biblical references, conducting a series of rhetorical questions, and finally he appeals to the audience’s emotions by using figurative language. Whitefield’s purpose is to remind the Protestants that God was merciful to the British in the war by allowing them to win the war so now they …show more content…

Whitefield uses a metaphor along with imagery, “the clouds may return again after the rain”, the clouds represent the French and the rebels while they are compared to the rain which is the crises that already occurred. This metaphor is displayed in order to demonstrate to the colonists that the French may attempt to start more feuds and seek revenge against them. Lastly, Whitefield finishes his sermon by re-establishing his credibility and instilling fear into his audience. He warns the people at New House that even though God has helped them in the past if they provoke Him and continue in their horrid ways then God will consume them: “For consider, how great Things He hath done for you. But if ye shall still do wickedly, ye know not but you may provoke Him to consume both you and your King” (paragraph 8). With this quotation from the prophet Samuel, Whitefield again proves to his audience that he is credible and therefore they should listen to him in addition to attempting to induce fear in his fellow protestants so they will respect God and the

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