Meriwether Lewis Contribution To The Lewis And Clark Expedition

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Born on August 18th, 1774, Meriwether Lewis the American explorer. Meriwether Lewis had a tremendous impact on America’s development in the early days of our nation. One of his many contributions included his journey with William Clark through the United States interior to the Pacific Northwest. In 1804, Thomas Jefferson -the president at the time- made an offer to Lewis and Clark to explore the lands west of the Mississippi to gather more information about the U.S’s newly purchased land from France. They were to record their observations about the plants, animals, Native Americans of the region, and water resources. The journey took from 1804 to 1806. They found many important things about the region, all what helped further prove that the Louisiana Purchase was indeed beneficial. This travel is famously known as the Lewis and Clark expedition. After the journey when …show more content…

James paid the Grinders to house Lewis in their Inn and kill him twice. James Wilkinson’s motive was because of his jealousy towards Lewis’s role in the Lewis and Clark expedition and he feared that while in Washington, Lewis would report Wilkinson’s crooked land deals and corrupt ways. He paid them to do it, which further explains why Robert was found with so much money after the deal. Lewis was shot twice and according to the autopsy report with two different guns, so Priscila probably shot once and then Robert shot again. The reason Priscilla’s story kept changing was because it was made up and she could never fully memorize it. The reason the Grinders got involved in the first place was because just like many people in the United States were upset and believed the Louisiana Purchase to be an outrage because most relied on the port to supply for their families, storing products, shipping industry and trade. Because Lewis played such a major role in this they probably didn’t mind him being gone

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