Mesoamericans: A Very Brief History Of Mexico And Central America

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Mesoamericans: An “ancient” group of people that lived in what is currently known as Mexico and Central America. This group of people (Mesoamericans) consisted of different groups such as; Mayan, The Mexicas, and the Incas. The Mexicas were collectively named the Aztecs, this takes away from the history of the group so it is seen as an inaccurate way to name them.

Mayans: The Mayans were a more sophisticated culture that populated parts of Central America, as well as the Yucatan peninsula emerging sometime around 800 C.E.
They developed a language that could be written and spoken
They Made a numerical system that is often compared to the Arabic numerical system
They also created a calendar that was accurate
The Mayans Figured out an advanced agricultural system As well as designing and creating important trade routes into other areas of the continents.
Believed in many gods and depicted such gods in the form or artifacts

Mexicas: One of the most advanced and …show more content…

The people in the southwestern part of what is now known as the US, stretching farther down past the Gulf of Mexico primarily relied on agriculture to grow as societies. Not only this the northwest and the eastern woodland parts of today's US also relied on agriculture. One of the most grown plants was corn, and corn along with the other grains and vegetables grown required lots of resources and time. It was the places that farmed in the same place and constantly tended the fields that grew into more than small scattered towns. The northeastern tribes were known for exploiting the land as fast as they could and when they were done they would leave, thus making it harder to advance. Whereas places in the southwest stayed and developed stagnant trade routes, basically claiming their territory, it was then that those groups of people could progress and become much