
Mesopotamia Compare And Contrast Essay

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The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt were very different but very much alike. Both civilizations thrived during their time periods and also the civilizations today that are located in those areas that adopted most of their inventions, practices, and social order. For example, both civilizations were located near major rivers that helped them survive. Both civilizations also had their own religious practices that they relied on. My last piece of evidence is what inventions or technologies helped both civilizations thrive.

The city-states of Mesopotamia were surrounded by the Euphrates and the Tigris river.
The area where mesopotamia was located was also known as the fertile crescent. It was called the fertile crescent because in between the two rivers there were thriving eco systems due to the high concentration of fertile soil and water. The city states of mesopotamia decided to set up civilizations near water because it provided drinking water, easier transportation, fertile soil, and a thriving eco system that invited animals that …show more content…

In egypt the pharaoh also had absolute power among their land. The pharaoh were thought to be the mothers and fathers of all, and they were way more powerful than all of the social classes. The egyptians believed that the soul of the pharaoh lived in the mummified body of the pharaoh. Also they buried the pharaoh with items that he or she would need in his or her afterlife. The civilizations of the city-states of mesopotamia built ziggurats. Ziggurats were the stairway for the gods to move from earth to the heavens.The priests of mesopotamia were the people connected to the gods who could also communicate to them. In egypt the pharaoh were the gods and in mesopotamia the priests were the gods’ spokespeople. The people of the city states of mesopotamia believed that if the gods were happy, the gods would bring the people

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