Methadone Advantages And Disadvantages

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Methadone is a controlled Class A drug under the ‘Misuse of Narcotics Act’ which has the long title of “An act to make new provision with respect to dangerous or otherwise harmful narcotics and related matters, and for purposes connected therewith” – this means that Methadone is a government controlled, legal narcotic. Methadone treatment in many ways is the correct step to help rehabilitate an Opioid addict. However, there are cases where Methadone may not be the correct choice to make for an Opioid addict as there are other preferred methods. To realise what method would be most beneficial for an Opioid addict, there first needs to be a level of understanding about opiates. An Opioid addict is an individual who is addicted to narcotics, specifically …show more content…

There are other options which do not encourage the use of narcotics at all. One option is therapy, otherwise known as counselling. Therapy is where you can go to meetings and or sit with someone and talk. There are four different types of therapy. The first of these is Cognitive, this is behavioural therapy where things are done in steps and you realise you have an issue and you work towards resolving it. The second type of therapy is called Multi-Dimensional Family therapy, which looks to help families, dealing and addressing the underlying issues as well as improving the function of the family. The third type of therapy is Motivational Interviewing which includes encouraging the addict therefor allowing and giving them the support to change their behaviour to begin their treatment. The final type of therapy within this is called Motivational Incentives, which uses positive reinforcement to encourage the sobriety of …show more content…

The dictionary definition of rehabilitation is “The action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction or illness”. There are three different types and stages of rehabilitation. The first type of rehabilitation is called Therapeutic Communities; this is a highly formed program where addicts remain in a residential house with a time slot of between 6-12 months. The second type of rehabilitation is called Shorter-Term Residential Treatment; this mainly focuses on detoxification as well as providing intensive therapy, and a community-based setting. The final type of rehabilitation is Recovery Housing; this is short term housing that follows inpatient or residential

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