Metis V. Bia In The Odyssey

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Throughout The Odyssey, only one character shows the theme of Metis v. Bia. Odysseus is the only character that is the true embodiment of brain triumphing over brawn. Odysseus show this theme in many two main plot events of the story. The challenges he faced against defeating Polyphemus and the suitors are the events that support the theme of Metis v. Bia.
The first event that Odysseus truly show his was the defeat of the cyclops Polyphemus. Polyphemus had a distinct advantage on Odysseus, his size and strength, but Odysseus did not wither. He used his cunning to trick Polyphemus into thinking his name was nobody, so no one came to the aid of Polyphemus. Odysseus ties himself and his men to sheep that Polyphemus has, in order to make his