Mexican Culture Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered what it was like twenty or thirty years ago? What people did in order to get by the day or how daily chores were done back then? People around the world have many different ways of doing and getting things done that we may see strange and possibly feel uncomfortable if we were asked to do them. Now, those daily duties or habits that were once done in many different ways are cultures that are sometimes passed down by our ancestors ,grandparents, or great grandparents and so on. For example, in Mexico there are many cultures that we Hispanics gain from our parents that they inherit from their parent. Such as: for a young lady in a Hispanic family it is an obligation to help her mother around the kitchen, as a substitute …show more content…

This beautiful state is located in the southern part of México it covers about 64,586 square kilometers. According to “Nations Encyclopedia” it is boarder in the north by the Mexican states of of Michoacán, México” ( “Guerrero”). It is also know for main farm products such as: corn, beans, rice, sesame, tomato, lemon, coconut, and coffee. According to the website History, “Guerrero produces more than three percent of the beef consumed in México”(“Guerrero”). This state is also known for its stunning beach cities, for instance like: Acapulco know for its clear and warm waters as well as Ixtapa, and Taxco. Back then , Felix Barrera a fifty six year old citizen of the U.S. never quite had the chance to see these amazing beach cities while he was living in Guerrero, his birthplace. As a child, Felix woke up early in the morning before school, he’d take the cows out to eat out in the field everyday. It was important for him and his family to keep these cows nurture and fed because these cows are the animals that provide the milk for their family along with other animals in their farm. Something that we don't worry about too much in the present day because we have supermarkets that provides food products for …show more content…

They had to plan their own fruits, vegetables etc. because they couldn't afford to go to the market to buy groceries so in order for their family to get fed, he sometimes had to skip to school to help plant these crops. He claim that it took about 5 months for these vegetables and fruits to be ready to be taken out and ready to eat. Felix had stated that “ sometimes the fruit that we grew didn’t make it or wasn't completely ready so, we had less food to feed the family, including the fruit that we grow five months ago wasn't enough to keep everyone satisfied”( F. Barrera, interview, October 19, 2015”). Due to the economic issues people in Guerrero didn't have a lot to wear and couldn't afford to buy clothes. So what some people did including Felix and his family was to buy simple white fabric and from there, they made their own clothes. People only wore white pants not jeans, but simple thin white pants along with sandals that they had made as well. Not only was money one of many struggles they had to deal with, but it was also difficult for them to have water in their homes. Before, in Felix era the public had to go to rivers to take showers along with doing their daily chores, for example; like washing their clothes out in the rivers by hand or washing their dishes. Some folks even had to fill up buckets with water to take them back home in order for them to have water in

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