Mexican Migrant Workers In The 20th Century And Deportation At Breakfast

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“Mexican Migrant Workers in the 20th Century” by Jessica McBirney and “Deportation at Breakfast” by Larry Fondation The two texts, “Mexican Migrant Workers in the 20th Century” and “Deportation at Breakfast” develop different central ideas throughout them. The central idea of “Mexican Migrant Workers in the 20th Century” is that the Mexicans moving to the US for work were treated poorly and when the government tried to intervene, they ended up making things worse. Eventually, the workers began to fix their issues with people and politicians are still trying to fix it today. The central idea of “Deportation at Breakfast” is after the narrator had gone into a diner for a simple breakfast and the owner was taken away before his eyes, he takes the opportunity to go behind the counter and run his own diner. What the central ideas of the texts are and how they are developed will be shown and explained throughout this essay. …show more content…

The text “Deportation at Breakfast” has an unclear setting as far as the state, or even country for that matter. But the reader can tell it is in a nice diner, as the text states “The place looked better than most—family run and clean.” The reader can also infer that the area is a little poor. The text says,” ...and went out, leaving me a dollar tip.” This is a pretty small tip considering he prepared food for both women