Mi Carro Short Story

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The screams of my mother’s name filled my ears while my dad rushed through us to look for his phone. Mother ran to him to see what’s wrong and the words that came out his mouth shocked us all.
It was 8am. My mother, sisters and I were still eating so we can head to school, while my father went outside to turn on his car.
Come to find out, his car wasn’t there.
“Have I ever told you how hard I worked to get that car?” I nodded my head. “Well I worked five hard years for Goldilocks.”
I came up with the name, Goldilocks, because of the inside of the car.
I forgot what car it was but it was red with beige interior. My favorite part of her were the screens that allowed me to watch tv while being on the road.
As soon as he didn’t see his car in his parking spot, he began to feel alarmed.
“Yaneris, este juego no es chistoso. ¿Donde está mi carro?”
“Oscar, tenemos que llamar a la policía” my mother, Yaneris said with a …show more content…

Podría ser en algún lugar diferente” my mother said.
We walked out of the house, seeing only the vehicle registration plates.
My mother put her hand on top her mouth. Her eyes popped out of head like if she just saw a ghost. Her skin color became paler. We noticed the hairs rising on her arms. We stand there in silence hearing my baby sister cry in my father’s arms. “We have to call the police.”
Leaving my father and sister there waiting for the police, my mother, sister and I began to walk. The walk was quiet. Nobody said a word because we were all still in shock. We stopped by the bodega to get some snacks for lunchtime. While we were paying for our items, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, a police car passing by heading to the same street as where I lived.
Once we arrived at school, mami signed us in.
“Have a good day at school, mis amores. Mama will be picking you up.” she said as she kissed us.
I headed to class. The rest of the day, I was learning multiplication and compound